Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Yamaha XJ650 won't start after oil change.?

I'm quite sure I changed the oil and filter correctly. Though I admittedly have little experience with bikes I've worked on cars for years. I started the bike directly after the change to cycle the oil and it ran just fine. The next morning the ignition wouldn't even engage. The lights and gauges and horn all work. Oddly the oil indicator comes on though the oil level is correct in the window.

The Hayes manual I have says the oil light can also be an indicator of an electric problem but does not specify what or how. This bike is so old I can't find much in the way of forums devoted to it so I am asking here. Thanks for any assistance out there.Yamaha XJ650 won't start after oil change.?I'm glad to hear you have a manual. That does make things much easier. I doubt that your non-start problem is oil related. The oil light will be lit at any time the engine is not running. It takes oil pressure to turn the light out. Using your manual, start checking out the starter circuits.

Edit: kill switch - did you hit it by accident? I know I have.Yamaha XJ650 won't start after oil change.?Thanks for the advise! I don't know what exactly the problem was, as it cleared up in the process of checking through the circuits. Maybe just a loose connection or fuse. Also great tip about the clutch switch, I never thought about the button under teh pedal itself going bad. Thanks to you both.

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Yamaha XJ650 won't start after oil change.?Make sure your battery is good, the only switches that make it not start are the neutral safety switch if in gear bike won't turn over unless clutch is in(small micro switch under clutch lever) sometimes the actual thumb push buttons go, there will be a starter solenoid on the bike somewhere under a side cover or seat,,jump it out just as you would a car to make sure starter is good.

good luck

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