Thursday, September 15, 2011

How to change oil on 2002 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R (J3)?

It's more of an open-ended question. I have my vin, but can't seem to yahoo or google what I need. What grade oil and filter do I need for my bike? How much oil (about 4 qts)?? Any special steps I should know or a website that will guide me. I found one for my Harley, but I'm new to the sportbike world and would like to save some money. Thanks!!How to change oil on 2002 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R (J3)?There should be a sticker on the gas tank. when you remove the seat it should be visible but it will tell you what oil and capacity. I used 10W40 during the cold months and 20W50 during the warmer months. the heat of summer makes the oil thinner so you want to run the heavier thicker oil so it doesn't thin out as much. During colder months the oil is thicker and takes longer to heat up and lube well so you run the thinner oil to counter that.

The drain plug should take a 11/16 socket. I think. Anyhow you'll see a bolt that doesn't hold anything in. It's located on the left side close to where the kick stand connects to the bike. Righty tighty, lefty loosie! drain it into a pan then plug it back up.

You should change your oil filter EVERY oil change. I've seen the ridiculous advice of doing it every other oil change. you need to change your oil filter every oil change. Just remember to put some fresh oil onto the rubber gasket around the top of the new filter and pour a few cap full of oil into the center chamber of the filter. This way there is already oil in there ready to be filtered. Otherwise when you start, the bike will be starving for oil for a few seconds until it can pump some through there and get it circulated. It is impossible to remove the filter without getting some oil on the pipes. Just clean it off with a dry rag and expect a little burn off when you start riding.

Seeing how it's June and all I'd recommend the 20W50. Get 4 quarts because your bike probably take about 3.5. The way you can find out it to put 3 in. It definitely takes 3 or more quarts. After three, have a buddy stand the bike straight up and you check the gauge. There should be a circular window on the engine cover. there will be a high fill and low fill line. The oil level should be right in the middle of the two lines. If you only have one line, then fill it to that line. Start it and let it run for a few, then shut it off and check the fill line again. Fill accordingly.

that's it!How to change oil on 2002 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R (J3)?If you go to youtube you can probably find a video of anything your triing to do. There are video's with step by step instructions. Other wise buy a manual its a smart investment.

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