Monday, September 19, 2011

1997 Hyundai Tiburon tune up and oil change??!

I want to tune up my car which is a 1997 Hyundai Tiburon FX 2.0 Liter. I'm looking to do an oil change, replace oil filter, fuel filter, air filter, and spark plugs. Most importantly how do I do an oil change?!1997 Hyundai Tiburon tune up and oil change??!Are you doing it yourself?...If so you will need a drain pan,a new oil filter oil filter wrench,A jack to jack the car up,jack stands if you don't want to be wearing the car.,,a socket wrench,sockets,to find the right size,,,,,jack the car up,put the stands under the car on the fram,not the body,find the bottom of the engine,there you will find the oil pan,and a drain plug,(bolt)put the oil drain pan under the bolt,take the socket wrench and break the bolt loose,them use your hand to take it out the rest of the way,be sure to hold on to the plug or it might slip out of your hand,due to the oil behind it pushing it out of the way...Then after it is drained,put the oil plug back in,but don't over tighten or you could strip the threads...Then move on to the oil filter.grab your oil filter wrench...put the drain pan under,the oil filter,it will leak oil,make sure to turn over the filter to let it drain into the drain pan...take the new oil filter,get some oil on your finger and coat the rubber ring on the filter,fill the filter wirth some oil if you want,but you don't have to...hand tighten,then use your wrench to tighten..don't over tighten.hand tight then a little more....make sure to put oil back in the engine...1997 Hyundai Tiburon tune up and oil change??!first you get under the car find the drain plug its a bolt head on the bottom of the oil pan put a container under it and loosen and remove the bolt this will drain your oil. once its stopped draining put the drain bolt back in and tighten it. find and remove your oil filter, carefully make sure there isnt any dirt or old gasket on the flange before screwing on a new oneIfthere is anything there carefully clean or lightly scrape it off so youll get a good seal but dont scratch it or it will leak.finally refill your crankcase with the proper amount and grade of oil check your owners manual, it should only take 4 qts of either 5w30 or 10w30 but check your manual to be sure, there you go thats an oil change. BE SURE TO PROPERLY DISPOSE OF YOUR USED OIL YOUR LOCAL ADVANCE AUTO OR OTHER PARTS STORE SHOULD HAVE A COLLECTION SITE,1997 Hyundai Tiburon tune up and oil change??!You hop in the car, start it, then drive it to a service shop of your choice!

Since your asking, you imply you have never done one, which can cost you a engine if you mess up.

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