Thursday, November 25, 2010

How to change oil and oil filter, and what type on 1992 Buick Park Avenue?

I'm planning on changing the oil on my 1992 Buick Park Avenue.

I'm going to buy a new oil filter, and I want to know where will the old filter be located in the car? Also what type of oil do I need to put in the car?How to change oil and oil filter, and what type on 1992 Buick Park Avenue?one of the few good oils left today is rotella 15/40. this oil still has the pot ash type lubricators for flat tappet type engines the filter i use is a fram tough guard with 99% 2nd pass performance the filter is on the pass side of the car on the back side of the engine not that hard to get to. i usally take mine loose from the top with the pan already in position under the car make sure to warm up the car for around 8 min. and pull it up on the ramps i always remove the oil fill cap before i pull the drain plug to let the oil come out as fast as possible to help rinse out as much debris as possible. then wipe down all oil mating surfaces, apply a thin film of oil to the filter o ring install filter and oil (after re installing drain plug) replace filler cap and start the car and check for leaks and wala your a pro and good luck!!!How to change oil and oil filter, and what type on 1992 Buick Park Avenue?since u are taking on maintence duties you should buy a repair manual from your auto parts store, it will tell you the filter location how much oil u need and the type.

when i bought my first manual i kicked myself for not buying one before and with that old of a car u will be sure to have to do other light duty repairs.How to change oil and oil filter, and what type on 1992 Buick Park Avenue?u need to get someone that knows what they are doing

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